Slavs and Tatars, 2013, photo: Bernhard Kahrmann
ceramics workshop, photo: Frank Kleinbach
Lowland, silkscreen workshop, photo: Lowland
Johannes Paul Raether, photo: Bernhard Kahrmann
James Richards, Phrasing, 2018, three channel digital projection, continuous loop. Courtesy of the artist; Cabinet, London; Galerie Isabella Bortolozzi, Berlin; Rodeo, London/Piraeus, photo: Frank Kleinbach
Montagsgruppe, Höhlenmalerei, 2017, Kohle, Kreide, Gouache auf Karton, photo: Stephanie Bollinger-Casale
view of the new Lokal, photo: Florian Model

When first founded, the Künstlerhaus Stuttgart gave a platform to new art forms, introducing sound, video, and performance at a time when new media practices were emergent and challenged the conventions of many cultural institutions. The support of the members nurtures this legacy, but also advances it and reexamines the potentialities, needs, and urgencies of artistic production and cultural work in the present. The role of the membership is thereby central to the Künstlerhaus Stuttgart as an art institution that emphasizes a critical awareness of its own operative structures and methods.

Artists occupy key positions throughout the Künstlerhaus Stuttgart, and it is the membership—the large majority of members being artists or practitioners who maintain artistic criteria at the core of their work—who are uniquely equipped to reconsider governance from the perspective of producers. Founded through the legal-economic structures of association law in Germany, association members’ voting rights have always been a core function in how the institution is governed. Members have the chance to engage directly in the organization and implementation of their individual and collective interests by voting, and raising agenda items to be voted on, at the annual General Meeting. In addition to the agency that comes with maintaining voting rights in a typical Kunstverein structure, association members of the Künstlerhaus Stuttgart also oversee the production facilities located onsite in the same building that houses the exhibition galleries and administrative offices. Consequently, artists occupy a crucial position at the Künstlerhaus Stuttgart that closely interrelates institutional governance and the immediate conditions for the production, distribution, and reception of art.

By joining the membership at any of the distinct levels of support offered, your financial contribution sustains and advances the Künstlerhaus Stuttgart, so that it may continue to be a unique Stuttgart institution that houses workshop facilities and artist studios, while also presenting the most challenging art of our time through its exhibition program.

4th organ

At the general assembly on March 25, 2021, the members collectively voted to meet regularly as an association from now on.


These meetings are intended to establish a space for understanding between the membership and the advisory board. A board for initiatives, critiques, and visions, a space for discourse between artistic and institutional practice, and possibly a step towards making the oft-cited hive hum a few decibels louder.


These regular meetings are organized by the advisory board of the Künstlerhaus. Questions or suggestions are welcome to be sent in advance to the Advisory Board at


These meetings are open to all members and those who would like to become members.

Next date:


July 12, 2024, 5:30 pm




General meeting

This year’s general meeting will take place on July 13, 2024, 4 p.m. on the 2nd floor, Künstlerhaus Stuttgart.

Membership normal

    • Invitations to all events
    • Use of all workshops
    • Free admission to around 300 other art associations (ADKV) throughout the entire year
    • Right to have a say and vote at general meetings

Membership reduced


for students, trainees, pupils, job seekers, pensioners


    • Invitations to all events
    • Use of all workshops
    • Free admission to around 300 other art associations (ADKV) throughout the entire year
    • Right to have a say and vote at general meetings

Artist membership

    • Invitations to all events
    • Use of all workshops
    • Free admission to around 300 other art associations (ADKV) throughout the entire year
    • Right to have a say and vote at general meetings

Gift Membership normal

    • Invitations to all events
    • Use of all workshops
    • Free admission to around 300 other art associations (ADKV) throughout the entire year
    • Right to have a say and vote at general meetings
  • Membership ends automatically after 1 year; if you are interested in renewing your membership, please contact the office; the membership documents will be sent directly to the new member

Gift Membership reduced


for students, trainees, pupils, job seekers, pensioners


    • Invitations to all events
    • Use of all workshops
    • Free admission to around 300 other art associations (ADKV) throughout the entire year
    • Right to have a say and vote at general meetings
  • Membership ends automatically after 1 year; if you are interested in renewing your membership, please contact the office; the membership documents will be sent directly to the new member

Supporting membership I

    • Invitations to all events
    • Use of all workshops
    • Free admission to around 300 other art associations (ADKV) throughout the entire year
    • Right to have a say and vote at general meetings
    • Publications at a reduced price/Artists’ editions at a special rate

Supporting membership II

  • Invitations to all events
  • Use of all workshops
  • Free admission to around 300 other art associations (ADKV) throughout the entire year
  • Right to have a say and vote at general meetings
  • Publications at a reduced price/Artists’ editions at a special rate
  • Guided tour with a curator through an exhibition of your choice

Supporting Membership III

    • Invitations to all events
    • Use of all workshops
    • Free admission to around 300 other art associations (ADKV) throughout the entire year
    • Right to have a say and vote at general meetings
    • Publications at a reduced price/Artists’ editions at a special rate
    • Guided tour with a curator through an exhibition of your choice
    • Visit to an artist’s studio
  • use of the exhibition floors for an own event once a year

Corporate Membership

Minimum price: 500.00 

    • Invitations to all events
      Use of all workshops for max. 3 employees
      Free admission to around 300 other art associations (ADKV) throughout the entire year
      Right to have a say and vote at general meetings
      Publications at a reduced price/Artists’ editions at a special rate
      Guided tour with a curator through an exhibition of your choice

Sponsorship studio

Support one of our six annually selected studio fellows as a sponsor. Sponsors help the artists to realize events such as exhibitions or open studios and provide the necessary infrastructure for the one-year intensive working phase.


If you are interested, please contact the office.

Sponsorship workshop

Support one of our ten workshops as a sponsor. Sponsors help the workshops to offer more courses, create better working conditions for the artists and develop new event formats.


You can support the following workshops:
Children’s Workshop / Ceramics / Etching / Lithography / Silkscreen / Letterpress / Photography / Sound Studio / Video / Film


If you are interested, please contact the office.

Jack Neville with participants of our furniture workshop, photo: Florian Model
Container and Contained, 2015, photo: Frank Kleinbach
Jon Shit performance in the beergarden, photo: Florian Model
Montagsgruppe, Masken aus Papier, 2017, photo: Stephanie Bollinger-Casale
F.S.K., Zauber der Moderne, Künstlerhaus Stuttgart, 2019, photography: Markus Milcke
ceramics workshop, photo: Frank Kleinbach

The Künstlerhaus Stuttgart is proud to receive its core support from the City of Stuttgart, and from the membership. We also rely on contributions and grants from local, regional, and federal arts funding organizations. When we seek out and accept private donations we always encourage those donors to become members, so that their financial support comes with all the additional benefits and responsibilities of active membership.

By joining the membership at any of the distinct levels of support offered, your financial contribution sustains and advances the Künstlerhaus Stuttgart, so that it may continue to be a unique Stuttgart institution that houses workshop facilities and artist studios, while also presenting the most challenging art of our time through its exhibition program.


Our donation account

Künstlerhaus Stuttgart e.V.
IBAN: DE19 6005 0101 0002 1808 56


You will of course receive a donation receipt for your donation.


Thank you for your support.