Tote bag "Paul's Kimchi Café"
Tote bag with screen print “Paul’s Kimchi Café”
by Paul Sullivan
produced on the occasion of his pop-up café at Künstlerhaus Stuttgart
Tote bag with screen print “Paul’s Kimchi Café”
by Paul Sullivan
produced on the occasion of his pop-up café at Künstlerhaus Stuttgart
Country wine Neckar
by Mira Simon & Hannah Liya
Bottler Künstlerhaus Stuttgart
0,75 l
13,3 %vol
German product
Contains sulphites
Each bottle is unique, as the labels are individually hand-printed with plants and vary visually.
No shipping. Collection only.
Edited by Künstlerhaus Stuttgart
Editors: Ania Corcilius, Jochen Detscher, Alba Frenzel, Leonie Klöpfer, Romy Range
With contributions by studio holders, members, staff, workshop managers
Design: Matter Of, Stuttgart
Inlay: Florentine Bofinger
Printed by: Offizin Scheufele, Stuttgart
Edition 750 copies
97 pages
More information can be found here
For members: 3 EUR (please contact the Künstlerhaus at info@kuenstlerhaus.de)
The postcard set consists of 18 postcards.
The postcard motifs come from the work of the groups in the children’s workshop at the Künstlerhaus Stuttgart
This book presents complete transcripts from the ground-breaking “Services” working group on labour relations and institutional governance in the arts organized in 1994 by Helmut Draxler and Andrea Fraser at the Kunstraum of the University of Lüneburg.
Held on January 22 and 23, 1994, the candid discussions between the organizers, Kunstraum representatives, and invited practitioners were video-recorded. Newly-produced transcripts of this compelling recording are presented here in English and German, documenting the entirety of the debut Services Working Group discussions. These transcripts are supplemented by newly-digitized photograph documentation of the conversations and a newly-commissioned post-script text by Draxler and Fraser that reexamines Services in light of current discussions around the socioeconomic conditions of art and its institutions. Translation was supported by the Künstlerhaus Stuttgart and the Kunstraum of the Leuphana University of Lüneburg. Published by Fillip, Vancouver.
Contributions by:
Judith Barry
Ute Meta Bauer
Jochen Becker
Ulrich Bischoff
Beatrice von Bismarck
Iwona Blazwick
Susan Cahan
Michael Clegg
Stephan Dillemuth
Helmut Draxler
Andrea Fraser
Renée Green
Martin Guttmann
Renate Lorenz
Christian Philipp Müller
Fritz Rahmann
Eric Golo Stone
Fred Wilson
Ulf Wuggenig
Divine Drudgery is an artist book with collages and artworks by artists and filmmakers James Richards and Leslie Thornton, and contributions by artists, writers and poets centred around liminality and the aesthetics and politics of the invisible. These dialogues and strands are anchored in and loop back to three exhibitions developed by the editors: Speed (Künstlerhaus Stuttgart), Speed II (Malmö Konsthall), and The Holding Environment (Bonner Kunstverein), and radiate outwards.
Edited by: Fatima Hellberg, James Richards, and Leslie Thornton
With work and contributions by: Horst Ademeit, Rae Armantrout, Tolia Astakhishvili, Ed Atkins, Kirsty Bell, Adelhyd van Bender, Bruce Conner, Fatima Hellberg, Mason Leaver-Yap, Veit Loers, Terence McCormack, James Richards, Jens Thornton, Leslie Thornton, and Thomas Zummer
Publishers: Bonner Kunstverein, Malmö Konsthall, Künstlerhaus Stuttgart and Lenz Press
Design: Karl Kolbitz and Nicoletta Dalfino Spinelli
Support one of our six annually selected studio fellows as a sponsor. Sponsors help the artists to realize events such as exhibitions or open studios and provide the necessary infrastructure for the one-year intensive working phase.
If you are interested, please contact the office.
Support one of our ten workshops as a sponsor. Sponsors help the workshops to offer more courses, create better working conditions for the artists and develop new event formats.
You can support the following workshops:
Children’s Workshop / Ceramics / Etching / Lithography / Silkscreen / Letterpress / Photography / Sound Studio / Video / Film
If you are interested, please contact the office.
The history of its curation over the last four decades is told through interviews with the artistic directors.
Two texts recount the Künstlerhaus’ history: one deals with the period from 1974 to its foundation in 1978, and the other with the building’s initial construction as a luggage factory by its two Jewish owners.
Over seventy leading artistic and political figures and artists associated with the Künstlerhaus explain the special significance of this institution, while the stars of the workshops and studios tell the story of these other two important pillars of the establishment.
The list of authors: Marius Babias, Rudolf Bumiller, Gerd Dieterich, Hildegarde Duane, Jesko Fezer, Liam Gillick, Dietrich Heißenbüttel, Fatima Hellberg, Hans Dieter Huber, MATHESON WHITELEY & Simon Jones, Hans Ulrich Obrist, Hannelore Paflik-Huber, Romy Range, Rachel Reupke, Anna Romanenko, Joachim E. Schielke, Ruby Sircar, Wolfgang Stübler, Wendelien van Oldenborgh, Heidemarie von Wedel, Georg Winter, Didem Yazıcı, and Philipp Ziegler.
The interviews featured are between Ulrich Bernhardt and Jean-Baptiste Joly; Veit Görner, Rudolf Bumiller, and Markus Brüderlin; Ute Meta Bauer and Maria Lind; Nicolaus Schafhausen and Vanessa Joan Müller; Fareed Armaly and Constanze Ruhm; Elke aus dem Moore and Alice Cantaluppi; Axel Wieder and Anja Casser; Misal Adnan Yıldız and Hito Steyerl; and Fatima Hellberg and Sabeth Buchmann.
The cover was designed by British artist Liam Gillick, and the book design is by Ronald Kolb.
Edited by Hannelore Paflik-Huber
664 pages, softcover
450 images
20 x 26 cm
ISBN 978-3-89986-287-4
Edited by Lia Gangitano, Fatima Hellberg, and Jamie Stevens, with contributions by Dodie Bellamy, Jonathan Berger, John Brattin, Ellen Cantor, Lia Gangitano, Cy Gavin, Jospeh Grigely, Clara López Menéndez, and John Maybury.
Designed by Pedro Cid Proença.
Copyediting by Ben Caton.
Translation by Robert Schlicht.
Copyediting, German by Gitte Lindmaier
English / German
319 pages
colour and b&w illustrations
print run 700
Published by Sternberg Press, Berlin, Künstlerhaus Stuttgart, CCA Wattis Institute for Contemporary Arts, San Francisco, and PARTICIPANT INC., New York, 2018
ISBN: 978-3-95679-323-3
On the occasion of the anniversary year, the 2017/2018 studio scholarship holders have an edition with seven new works.
With works by Lowland Kollektiv, Anna Romanenko and Björn Kühn, anorak (Johanna Markert, Lukas Ludwig, Florian Model), Florian Siegert (Staub II), Katharina Jabs, Sören Hiob, Maximilian Bauer
Edition of 40
129 pages
colour and b&w illustrations
Published by argobooks, Berlin, Kunststiftung Baden-Württemberg and Künstlerhaus Stuttgart, 2012
Ed. by Misal Adnan Yıldız
47 pages
colour illustrations
Published by Lost Books, Stuttgart, and Künstlerhaus Stuttgart, 2012
ISBN: 978-3-9814930-3-0
Edited by Tobi Maier and Antonia Lotz with Stefan Kalmár, Daniel Pies, Rike Frank, Anders Kreuger, Astrid Wege and Axel J. Wieder
Designed by Anne Callahan and Brendan Dalton
240 pages
b&w illustrations
Published by Spector Books, Leipzig, MINI / Goethe-Institut Curatorial Residencies Ludlow 38, New York, 2011
ISBN: 987-3-940064-31-8
Published by Şener Özmen and Künstlerhaus Stuttgart
Artist book was launched as part of the exhibition KÜNSTLERISCHE DIALOGE: Die Geschichte von Şener Özmen, curated by Adnan Yildiz, April / May 2011
40 pages
b&w illustrations
Published by Edition Taube, Stuttgart
Reissue: 2nd edition, 2011 / Limited edition of 100
Edited by Wim Waelput and Axel J. Wieder
with contributions by Dieter Roelstraete, Wim Waelput and Axel J. Wieder
Designed by Jung & Wenig
132 pages
b&w illustrations
Published by Roma Publications, Amsterdam 2010
Edited by Axel J. Wieder, with contributions by Julia Bryan-Wilson, Sabeth Buchmann, Javier Téllez and Axel J. Wieder
Designed by Katja Gretzinger with Maria Geissler, Guillaume Peitrequin
English / German
176 pages
colour illustrations
Published by JRP / Ringier Kunstverlag AG, Zürich 2010
ISBN: 987-3-03764-019-7
Edited by Axel J. Wieder, with a text by Jill Johnston
English / German
84 pages
colour and b&w illustrations
soft cover
Published by JRP / Ringier Kunstverlag AG, Zürich, 2008
The publication was launched as part of the exhibition Soziale Diagramme. Planning Reconsidered
English, 64 pages, published by Künstlerhaus Stuttgart, 2008
Edited by Elke aus dem Moore
with contributions by Sylvie Arnaud, Ulé Barcelos, Birgit de Boer, Peter Haury, Astrid S. Klein, Nanna Lüth, Hubert Mahela-Katamba, Mamie-Claudine Mambu, Elke aus dem Moore, Lambert Mousseka, Binda Ngazolo, Zohra Opoku, Carola Ruckdeschel, Soro Solo, Wiebke Trunk and Carol Tulloch
German / English / French
184 pages
colour and b&w illustrations
Published by Künstlerhaus Stuttgart, 2007
ISBN: 978-3-00-023191-9
Edited by Alice Cantaluppi and Elke aus dem Moore
German / English
118 pages
colour and b&w illustrations
Published by Künstlerhaus Stuttgart, 2007
ISBN: 3-00-020679-5
Edited by Florian Zeyfang and Łukasz Ronduda
with contributions by David Crowley, Steven Ball, David Curtis, Anselm Franke, Stefanie Peter, Łukasz Ronduda, Leire Vergara, Jan Verwoert, Axel John Wieder and Michał Wolinski
German / English
224 pages
colour and b&w illustrations
Published by Sternberg Press, Berlin / New York, 2007
ISBN: 987-1-933128-24-5
Edited by Elke aus dem Moore and Künstlerhaus Stuttgart
with contributions by Friedrich M. Ploch, Annette Wehrmann, Inga Svala Thórsdóttir, Judith Hopf, Heike Föll, Madeleine Bernstorff, Katharina Jesberger, Ruby Sircar, Elke aus dem Moore, Isabel Martins, Márcio de Souza, Alice Cantaluppi, Christoph Twickel, Emma Hedditch, Claudia Seidel, Carmen Mörsch, Carol Tulloch, Meli and others
German / English
243 pages
colour and b&w illustrations
Published by Revolver-Archiv für aktuelle Kunst, Frankfurt, 2005
ISBN: 3-86588-110-6
Edited by Künstlerhaus Stuttgart
with contributions by Elke aus dem Moore, Giorgio Ronna, Laura Eber, Oswald de Andrade, Maria Moreira, Thomas Sandführ, Ruda Andrade and Ricardo Basbaum
German / English / Portuguese
200 pages
colour and b&w illustations
Published by Verlag für moderne Kunst Nürnberg, 2005
German / English / French
22 pages
Published by Elke aus dem Moore for Künstlerhaus Stuttgart, 2005
Edited by Arbeitsgemeinschaft vielfaches echo, Stuttgart
Publication launched as part of the exhibition 24.04–14.06.1998
German / English
168 pages
colour and b&w illustrations
Published by Verlag für moderne Kunst Nürnberg, 1998
ISBN: 3-928342-93-2
Published by Nicolaus Schafhausen
36 pages
colour and b&w illustrations
print run 500
Künstlerhaus Stuttgart, 1998
Publication is launched as part of the exhibition
44 pages
colour and b&w illustrations
Published by Nicolaus Schafhausen for Künstlerhaus Stuttgart and Lukas & Sternberg Inc., Berlin / New York 1998
Vier Gesellschaftsspiele zu Kunst, Pop, Internet und Theorie
Ashley’s, 1996
ein Buch mit 13 Zeichnungen in Offsetdruck auf Karton und eine Langspielplatte
Auflage 200, nummeriert
A musical in three acts based on the book Erasmus is late
German / English, 63 pages, edition of 500, paperback.
Edited by Nicolaus Schafhausen for the Künstlerhaus Stuttgart, 1995
Nullnummer Das große Herbstheft der Zeitschrift für Mode und Kultur, die von der Künstlerin Regina Möller als künstlerisches Projekt realisiert wurde. Erscheinungsdatum: 15. Oktober 1994
Deutsch, 112 Seiten, s/w-Abbildungen, Broschur. Hrsg. von Ute Meta Bauer für das Künstlerhaus Stuttgart, 1994
ISSN: 0947-0905
Texte der Vorträge der internationalen Konferenz RADICAL CHIC 26.11.–28.11.1993 im Künstlerhaus Stuttgart
Deutsch / Englisch, 62 Seiten, s/w-Abbildungen, Broschur. Hrsg. von Ute Meta Bauer für das Künstlerhaus Stuttgart, 1994
On the occasion of the screening of Marguerite Duras’ films and videos, 04.07–08.07.1994.
Translated from the French by Lisa Degen
German, 19 pages, b&w illustrations.
Published by Ute Meta Bauer for Künstlerhaus Stuttgart, 1994
German / English
148 pages
illustrations in black and white
Soft cover publication
Published by Ute Meta Bauer for Künstlerhaus Stuttgart, 1993
ISSN: 0940-4813
German / English
148 pages
b&w illustrations
Published by Ute Meta Bauer for Künstlerhaus Stuttgart, 1994
ISSN: 0940-4813
German / English
82 pages
b&w illustrations
Published by Ute Meta Bauer for Künstlerhaus Stuttgart, 1992
ISSN: 0940-4813
Rose, 1991
32 x 32 cm
Auflage 10, signiert und nummeriert
Zur Ausstellung der Kinderwerkstatt, 1992
handgefertigte Mappe mit je einer Kinderzeichnung, DIN A3 / DIN A4
Auflage 30 (11 DIN A3, 19 DIN A4)
Abbilder, 1992
30 Ansichtskarten
Auflage 500
Erdkrise, 1991
Spezialseide, verchromter Tischständer
30 x 13 cm
Auflage 25, signiert und nummeriert
Ohne Titel, 1990
Aluminium, Glas, Foto
40 x 50 cm
Auflage 10, signiert und nummeriert
Verführung zum Voyeurismus, 1990
Gasbetonplatte, Farbfoto, Plexiglas
62 x 25 x 5 cm
Ohne Titel, 1990
Siebdruck auf Papier, gerahmt
25,2 x 34 cm
Auflage 12, signiert und nummeriert
39 Seiten
Farb- und s/w-Abbildungen
Auflage 500
Hrsg. vom Künstlerhaus Stuttgart, 1989
Hrsg. Veit Görner
Katalog zur von Rudolf Bumiller und Veit Görner organisierten Ausstellung
Mit Texten von Peter Sloterdijk und Rudolf Bumiller zu Arbeiten von Franz Erhard Walther, Hanne Darboven, Imi Knoebel, Gilbert & George und Anselm Kiefer
Deutsch / Englisch
40 Seiten
Farb- und s/w-Abbildungen
Hrsg vom Künstlerhaus Stuttgart, 1989
Edited by Künstlerhaus Stuttgart and Chapter Cardiff
Publication was launched as part of the exhibition of works by artists from Cardiff 08.11–06.12.1986
German / English
30 pages
colour and b&w illustrations
print run 500
Published by Merz-Medienwerkstatt, 1986
Publication lauched as part of exhibition Copy Art – Kunst zwischen Kopie und Original
28 pages
print run 100
Published by Künstlerhaus Stuttgart, 1986
Art exhibitions in Gutenbergstraße 62A
24 pages
b&w illustrations partly on coloured ground
Published by Künstlerhaus Stuttgart, n. d.
Edited by Wolfgang Meixner
Images and texts in the context of the exhibition 19.11–29.11.1985 by Rolf Grimminger, Uta Kimling, Piero Lo Re, Wolfgang Meixner, Sebastiano Sicura, Urban Spath and Burkhard Vogel
29 pages
b&w illustrations
print run 200
Published by Künstlerhaus Stuttgart, 1985
Publication launched as part of the exhibition 03.02–28.02.1985
20 pages
b&w illustrations
Published by Künstlerhaus Stuttgart, 1985
Exhibition catalogue, with a text by Pieter Heynen
German / English / Dutch
20 pages
colour and b&w illustrations
print run 500
Published by Künstlerhaus Stuttgart, 1985
Publication launched as part of the exhibition 22.06–13.07.1985
German / English, 28 pages, colour and b&w illustrations, print run 1000, softcover.
Published by Künstlerhaus Stuttgart, 1985
Publication launched as part of the exhibition 12.03–17.04.1985
German, 18 pages, b&w illustrations, softcover.
Published by Kunstausstellungen Gutenbergstraße Stuttgart and Merz-Druckwerkstätten, 1985
Publication launched in context of video installation by Madelon Hooykaas and Elsa Stansfield at Künstlerhaus Stuttgart, May 1985
German / English, 24 pages, b&w illustrations, print run 500, softcover.
Published by Künstlerhaus Stuttgart, 1985
Edited by Künstlerhaus Stuttgart and Institut für Moderne Kunst Nürnberg.
Publication launched as part of exhibition 16.11–14.12.1985
German, 62 pages, colour and b&w illustrations, print run 800, softcover.
Published by Merz-Medienwerkstätten Stuttgart, 1985
German, 95 pages, b&w illustrations, softcover.
Published by Künstlerhaus Stuttgart, 1984
Launched on the occasion of the performance workshop 16.03–18.03.1984
German, 45 pages, colour and b&w illustrations, softcover.
Published by Künstlerhaus Stuttgart, 1984
Catalogue with illustrations by Ulrich Bernhardt
German, 66 pages, b&w illustrations, softcover.
Published by Künstlerhaus Stuttgart, 1984
Report on a group talk at Künstlerhaus Stuttgart on 31 March 1984
German, 10 pages.
Published by Künstlerhaus Stuttgart, 1984
About the Stuttgarter Kommunikationsgruppe e. V.
German, 41 pages, b&w illustrations. Published by Künstlerhaus Stuttgart, 1984
German, 35 pages, b&w illustrations, softcover.
Published by Künstlerhaus Stuttgart, 1983
Edited by Max Hetzler and Ulrich Bernhardt for Künstlerhaus Stuttgart. Launched in context of art exhibitions Gutenbergstr. 26A Stuttgart
German, 79 pages, b&w illustrations, print run 500, softcover.
Published by Künstlerhaus Stuttgart, 1983
Catalogue, Vorarbeiten an Malerei with research based texts referring to Vorarbeiten an Malerei (I), (II) und (III)
German, 149 pages, b&w illustrations, softcover.
Published by Künstlerhaus Stuttgart, 1982
Edited by Bundesverband Bildender Künstler and Künstlerhaus Stuttgart.
Catalogue of the first exhibition in the context of agreement between the Union of Soviet Artists and the Federal Association of Visual Artists in 1981, 09.11–28.11.1982
German, 24 pages, colour and b&w illustrations, softcover.
Published by Künstlerhaus Stuttgart, 1982
Fünf Jahre Künstlerhaus Stuttgart, 1983
Box mit verschiedenen Materialien, Audiokassette, Videokassette
Exhibtion catalogue
German, 48 pages, b&w illustrations, softcover.
Published by Künstlerhaus Stuttgart, 1982
Documentation of the interdisciplinary research project MOBICOBU 15.08–29.08.1982
German, 112 pages, b&w illustrations, softcover.
Published by Künstlerhaus Stuttgart, 1982
Edited by Künstlerhaus Stuttgart, G. Hoogerbeets und A. Walz: Künstlerische Forschung 1982 and Institut für Grundlagen der Langeweile und Geschäftigkeit
German, 25 pages, b&w illustrations, softcover.
Published by Künstlerhaus Stuttgart, 1982
German, 19 pages, b&w illustrations.
Published by Künstlerhaus Stuttgart, 1981
Publication launched as part of the exhibition 19.10–25.10.1981
German / English, 44 pages, b&w illustrations, softcover.
Published by Künstlerhaus Stuttgart, 1981
Exhibition catalogue, 1981
German, 18 pages, b&w illustrations.
Published by Künstlerhaus Stuttgart, 1981
Collection of material about the international symposium: Künstlerhäuser – wozu?
German, 103 pages, b&w illustrations, softcover.
Published by Künstlerhaus Stuttgart, 1980
Publication launched as part of the exhibition in Galeria Studio Warszawa
Polish, 40 pages, b&w illustrations, softcover.
Published by Künstlerhaus Stuttgart, 1980
Exhibition catalogue
German / English / Italian, 70 pages, b&w illustrations, softcover.
Published by Künstlerhaus Stuttgart, 1979
A journal published by Künstlerhaus 4b, special issue in context of 9th International Congress of the IAA / AIAP, 1979
German, 12 pages with extra poster designed by E. Hirscher, b&w illustrations.
Published by Künstlerhaus Stuttgart, 1979
Edited by Angelika Schmidt and Künstlerhaus Stuttgart.
Catalogue of an exhibition accompanying the 9th International Congress of the IAA / AIAP 1979 at Künstlerhaus Stuttgart
German / English, 125 pages, b&w illustrations.
Published by Holzapfel und Sauter Stuttgart, 1979
Published by the Federal Board of the Federal Association of Visual Artists. Catalogue of the First Federal Exhibition of the Federal Association of Visual Artists at Kunstgebäude am Schloßplatz Stuttgart 15.06–24.07.1977, Künstler und Umwelt – Künstler in der Öffentlichkeit – Künstler in ihrem Umfeld
German, 240 pages, b&w illustrations, softcover. Published by Mack & Metz Mannheim, 1977